Sunday, 11 September 2011

Where does the time go?!

Wow, it's a very long time since I wrote a blog post. And I do apologise - not to my readers, as I've said from the start that I'm not writing for you, but to the future-Sara, who wanted this to read back on as a reminded of Sam's childhood days. But it has been above a month since I last blogged, and a lot has happened in that time.

We've been to the Bach, in Norfolk. Many times.  We've shopped, a lot.  We've been swimming.  We've been to farm parks.  We've debated buying rabbits (and decided to wait...).  We've visited relatives in hospital.  We've argued, we've cried, we've laughed.  But we've survived our first proper summer holiday (before now Sam hasn't been at school enough for it to have made a difference) - and we're both still alive!

For the past ten days Sam has been with his dad in Scarborough - and I think it has been the most eventful ten days of my life, and probably with the most extremes of emotions too (barring the ten days after Sam was born).  Since dropping him off I have been out for dinner, been to music gigs, been clubbing, been to Wales, met a new baby, had my heart broken, had my heart fixed, made cakes, booked a holiday, scrapped my car, been shopping, chased and captured an escapee guinea pig, joined the gym (and visited every day since), had lunch with family, and even done a (very) small amount of studying. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. As I write I am suffering with a cold, no surprise, and thinking about the future with hope and excitement.

So, tomorrow it's back to normal. Sam starts his new school in the morning, and besides seeing some friends on Friday there is nothing in the diary. While he's at school I have to do some serious studying myself, and I also want to fit in some trips to the gym. And who knows, maybe some blog posts???

S xx